Growly Notes is the best note taking app by far, especially if you use a lot of PDFs and need to take notes for them. This app will do everything you need it too; I’m in Dental School so I get PDF lecture files with hundreds of pages in each and I drop them into Growly notes and take notes right next to it as the lecture progresses. Amazing app! If you need a simple and great note taker, this is it hands down!
But… I can’t give this app 5 stars because it’s one downfall is organization; I simply can’t keep all my files nicely organized and together. The developers really need to implement a generic folder based system, it doesn’t need to be fancy, but it needs to allow grouping of subjects. Currently you can make a “notebook” with pages in a section, but there is no way to make any more “depth”. This forces me to only use Growly Notes for lecture notes (which, as I stated, it excels at), but if I try to add in notes for lab/clinic courses, personal notes, business notes the app quickly gets disorganized and just a headache to navigate. Please developers, fix this! Check out the app “Outline” they do this task beautifully; although they don’t quite compare as far as actually taking notes goes, I am seriously considering switching to their app simply because they handle organization so much better.
BigAV about Growly Notes